Ron Paul won the first two Republican debates,
according to many polls. He is leading the Presidential Pack on YouTube
and other social networking sites. His positions on the issues seem to be attractive to ordinary voters, but are anathema to the big
government corporatist fat cats that have controlled the Republican party the last few decades. They have made some
clumsy attempts to ban him from upcoming debates, while the mass media has
studiously ignored him, hoping no doubt that he will fade away.
If the trajectory continues, Ron Paul will be the 2008 election
cycle's Howard Dean- a true grass roots candidate that the
establishment can't afford to have win. As Dean was cut down by "the
scream" that was endlessly played on network news for two weeks until
his candidacy was broken, the long knives are being sharpened for Ron
Paul. He was set up for a staged attack by Rudy Giuliani in the South
Carolina debate, when Giuliani's microphone was mysteriously kept alive
when it was Paul's turn to speak. But Paul is fighting back..
Lake Jackson's Paul stirs GOP presidential race
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On Thursday Paul held a news conference with the former chief of the CIA's Bin Laden Unit, Michael Scheuer, who retired in 2004 and wrote a book, Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror. The book suggests that U.S. policies in the Middle East have contributed to retaliation by the terrorists. Paul challenged Giuliani to read the Scheuer book. |
IMO, Ron Paul won the exchange with Giuliani in the minds of the
average observer, hands down. No reasonable person thinks that we were
attacked because "they hate our freedom."
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told a reporter from Kuwait, who had suggested that part of the U.S.
problem in the Middle East was its "blind support" of Israel, that he
had a "good point." Paul added that "I could talk about our blind
support of Saudi Arabia."
He went on to say that members of Congress have been "intimidated by the influence of AIPAC." He was referring to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, one of the top pro-Israel lobbying groups in the capital. |
He will be chastised in the press for this as well, but it will only make him more popular with the common voter.
How Will They Destroy Ron Paul?
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all know the drill by now. Whenever a politician with character and
principles throws his hat in the ring the media descends on him like
feral hounds on a pork chop. It’ll be no different with Paul. The only
difference is that we should all be aware of what’s really going on.
Did you see the Republican debates? Paul won hands-down. He stood out in a crowd of colorless toadies and became an overnight sensation on the internet. In fact, an ABC survey showed that Paul won the first debate with an 85% majority; while C-SPAN showed him at 70%. Maybe the stats are just a fluke of internet voting, but it’s sure made the boys in the boardrooms nervous. Right now, the right wing think tanks are probably buzzing like a hornets nest. They have their work cut out for them. The sleeves are rolled up, the ash trays are full, and America’s best propagandists are working out the details for a full-blown assault on Ron Paul. They want to take him down now, before he can cause any more trouble. |
Ron Paul will be on Maher tonight. I'll be on his website making a donation.
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Thank you so much for sharing the post with all.You are bookmarked in my favourites.
Posted by: Timberland Boots | December 10, 2011 at 12:48 AM
I loved to read that. Thank you so much for sharing the post with all.You are bookmarked in my favourites.
Posted by: | August 16, 2011 at 09:39 PM
I don't agree with many of Ron Paul's proposals and such, but I sure do respect him more than the machine Republican candidates, even McCain.
Posted by: Neil B. | October 07, 2007 at 02:01 PM