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June 04, 2006


LV Bags

It's great to hear from you and see what you've been up to. In your blog I feel your enthusiasm for life. thank you.

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It is particularly impressive how he has been able to do this without detracting from the precision with which the essence of the individual studies is communicated to the reader.

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Nice, and thanks for sharing this info with us.Good Luck!

Jack Faulk

To whom it may concern: There is plenty of oil and natual gas in Alaskas Northslope. I don't no where you are getting your information, but according to Atlantic Richfield CEO's back in the late seventies and early eighties and Lindsey Williams, a babtist minister, who ministered to the men that built the oil pipeline in Alaska, there is enough oil and natual gas in Alaskas Northslope to last this country 200 yrs. Lindsey wrote a book "The Non-energy Crisis" 20 chapters in the book and tells all the details of what went on and how the govt. told them to keep their mouths shut about the truth of their findings in Alaska. Senator Chance from Colorado, whitnessed all this at the time and said it was true. If any one wants a copy of the book I can email it to you. Jack Faulk

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About The Editor

  • Searching For The Truth
    JLK is an intellectual property attorney living in the U.S. Northeast.

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