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May 10, 2005


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dude the problem is not only in the west part of the country, is in the whole world!!! by the way, can you give some information about the oil spill in the Gulf?

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Many have tried and failed to stimulate isomeric isotopes into emitting high energy photons enough to serve as a gain medium and produce a coherent gamma ray beam that might serve as a laser for purposes civil and military. Princeton's Richard Wheeler surfaced the idea of matter-antimatter annihilation in positronium serving this purpose decades ago, but only now have electron-positron molecules been observed to condense into quantum states of technological use in applications as diverse as space propulsion and medicine.
Spin exchange quenching of molecular species containing antimatter may lead to stable Bose-Einstein condensates of materials like Dipositronium, making possible stored energy densities vastly higher than today's, and coherent emission at wavelengths short enough to image -- and 'optically' pump-- nuclear quantum states, yielding advances comparable to those stemming from the discovery of x-rays or nuclear magnetic resonance

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Oil reserve in Iraq is lowest now.

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good info on this topic!!!

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About The Editor

  • Searching For The Truth
    JLK is an intellectual property attorney living in the U.S. Northeast.

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