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May 15, 2005


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Dear All,
I have a theory for the formation of methane hydrate and would like your comment.
One of the sources of methane hydrate is the CO2 from the eruption of volcanoes in Deep Ocean. The CO2 at very high temperature is in unstable state (from sp to sp3) and react with water to form methane hydrate and O2. At high pressure (300 bars?) and low temperature (0 C) the methane is trapped in water to form methane hydrate.
The chemical reaction is as follows:
CO2+7.75 H2O --> O2+ CH4.5.75H2O

If somebody in an expert in thermodynamics please calculates the enthalpy and entropy but remember that this is not a standard state because we have a high gradient of temperature (CO2 at 1000 to 2000 C with the environment at 0 C).
Looking forward to receiving comments I give you my best regards,

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About The Editor

  • Searching For The Truth
    JLK is an intellectual property attorney living in the U.S. Northeast.

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